Nutrition Labels ? No Longer Difficult To Read! | New Health and ...
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There are so many nutrients in food, so many ingredients, so many facts to know about what?s supposedly good for you and what?s supposedly not? However, there is hope for us (including the writer, whose wide vocabulary doesn?t always cover nutritional jargon) as the US FDA, or US Food and Drug Administration has a standardized nutritional label format that should be coated to every consumer food product. This makes it easier for us consumers to compare and contrast different types of food in terms of nutritional content.
Look for the title that says ?Nutrition Facts? ? this is the first thing you want to look at on the label, located right on top of the label, and this contains the three cardinal elements of the standardized format.
How Large is the Serving Size: This is composed of two things, first, the standardized amount (pieces, cups, tablespoons, etc.) and its corresponding metric amount. (grams, kilograms, etc.)
How Many Servings in Each Container? Because most packaged foods offer multiple servings or portions to customers, the caloric content can easily be multiplied in an understandable way that takes not a Math genius to understand.
Number of Calories per Serving Contained in Each Package. There are specific benchmarks for different kinds of food products ? 40 calories would generally be considered low-calorie, 100 calories would be moderate, while anything over 400 would be high-calorie.
Keeping tabs on the amount of servings you take in, based on the caloric intake per serving, is one great way to manage your weight. Another is to balance out eating high-calorie foods with some low-calorie foods earlier or later in the day.
Now that you know how to use nutrition labels in your quest to keep your weight down, your next goal is to maximize the number of calories you ingest each day.
For a fast way to do this, you want to look at the Percentage Daily Value to find out how rich a certain food is in a certain nutrient. Daily values are based on a 2000-calorie diet. A high %DV would be somewhere around 20% upwards, while 5% or less is a low value. Three things you should reduce are your Cholesterol, Sodium and Total Fat levels. No daily requirement exists for Trans-Fats (the most dangerous kind), though their quantity per serving does appear on the label; so just be sure to keep them to an absolute minimum. Nutrients to stock up on include Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron and Dietary Fiber.
As you can see, researching and gathering data on a food product?s nutritional content is easy, and your next step would be to descry whether you are making the right nutritional choice ? should such food be part of a meal, or does it make a nifty snack? Your analysis will have a second step to it, if you aren?t satisfied by the answer to the above question, and that would require you to look for an alternative food to purchase ? would there be any? In most, if not all cases, the obvious answer would be an overwhelming YES.
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